Fight Plan: What to Do Before, During and After the Fight to Keep the love Alive

Fight Plan: What To Do Before, During And After A Fight To Keep The Love Alive Fighting with your partner can leave you feeling drained, frustrated or hurt and if you argue often you might feel like your relationship isn’t working any more. What you don’t know is that every couple fights, even those that are happy together and in love. What they do differently is that they have a strategy on how to fight without harming their relationship and how to use their disagreements to make their love stronger. The Fight Plan was written by Dr. Carlos Todd, a mental health therapist, and conflict management expert who has worked with hundreds of couples in clinical practice and has now created for you a unique strategy on how to make your relationship stronger. The strategy focuses on the 3 most important stages of a fight: before, during and after the fight. This workbook is very easy to understand and it contains many interactive exercises to practice this strategy so you can successfully manage your next fight. With this incredible guide, you will no longer fear or avoid your next fight with your partner as you will be able to go through it without feeling lonely, not heard, frustrated or angry. The Fight Plan will give you step by step directions and advice on what to say to your partner during an argument and how to act afterward. In the last section of the book, you will find out how to make changes in the way you fight. Changing can be very difficult but with this guide, you can navigate the minefields of making changes to your fight style. Follow this fail-proof strategy and you will see an incredible improvement in your relationship. Learn how to fight and keep the love alive with the Fight Plan.